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dc.contributor.authorСтепанюк, Сталинаru
dc.identifier.citationСтепанюк, Сталина. Эмоционально-оценочные междометия и их роль в межъязыковой коммуникации / Сталина Степанюк // Abordarea prin competenţe a formării universitare: probleme, soluţii, perspective: Materialele conf. şt. intern. consacrate aniversării a 65-a de la fondarea Univ. de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 8 oct. 2010. – Bălţi. – 2011. – P.
dc.description.abstractThe study deals with one type of Interjections, emotional ones, and defines their place in the lexicongrammatical system of the language. They have a wide sphere of use in both oral speech and literary texts where they can represent different styles. Without possessing and nominative function, interjections are contextually meamngful expressing various emotional states. Both within the frame of one language (Russian) and on the interlingual level, there are „specialized” (monosemantic) interjections and „non-specialized” (polisemantic) ones. That’s why they are often accompanied by words expressing emotions (was pleased, surprised, distressed) and in oral speech are followed by paralinguistic means of communication such as gestures and mimicry. Some research that deals with such interjections in Russian, Romanian and English allows to mark similarities and differences, frequency and functional peculiaritiesen
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional*
dc.subjectinterlingual communicationen
dc.subjectemotionally valuative interjectionsen
dc.subjectmonosemantic and polisemantic onesen
dc.subjectcomunicare interlingvalăro
dc.subjectinterjecţii propriu-zisero
dc.subjectinterjecţii monosemantice şi polisemanticero
dc.subjectpractica traduceriiro
dc.titleЭмоционально-оценочные междометия и их роль в межъязыковой коммуникации [Articol]ru
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