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Title: 21st century literacies: changing the paradigm in education [Articol]
Authors: Muntean, Ana
Keywords: education
specialists’ formation
formarea specialiştilor
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Muntean, Ana. 21st century literacies: changing the paradigm in education / Ana Muntean // Integrarea specialistului cu studii superioare pe piaţa muncii: aspecte naţionale şi internaţionale : Materialele Conf. şt.-practice Intern., Bălţi, 21-22 oct. 2011. - Bălţi. - 2012. - P. 156-157.
Abstract: 21st century advanced technology has changed society greatly, and educators agree that education today means getting prepared for an unpredictable future. Therefore, such concepts as learning outcomes and literacy need to be redefined. The article draws on the extended meaning of literacy and defines it as a set of foundational skills and knowledge that all students need in order to achieve the learning outcomes associated with the qualities of an educated person, ready to enter a competitive labour market. The article suggests that studying a foreign language may be viewed as an efficient tool in developing 21st century literacies, thus it should be an obligatory part in future specialists’ formation.
Tehnologiile secolului al XXI-lea au schimbat nespus societatea, în măsura în care toţi cei ce se ocupă de educaţie la ora actuală atestează faptul că ea, educaţia, desemnează pregătirea persoanelor pentru un viitor puţin previzibil. Aceasta condiţionează redefinirea unor concept ca predarea etc.
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