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Title: Учебная платформа и образовательный процесс в вузе [Articol]
Authors: Черная, Ирина
Keywords: activity
teaching methods
metode de predare şi învățare
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Черная, Ирина. Учебная платформа и образовательный процесс в вузе / Ирина Черная // Integrarea specialistului cu studii superioare pe piaţa muncii: aspecte naţionale şi internaţionale : Materialele Conf. şt.-practice Intern., Bălţi, 21-22 oct. 2011. - Bălţi. - 2012. - P. 131-132.
Abstract: The modern activity of the studied material at an institution of higher education includes methods, devices, teaching material and means of mass media of a socio-cultural nature which influence upon the topical teaching activity and studied material, as well as upon development of skills and ability to work with information and to communicate in virtual reality. In many institutions of higher education the technical teaching foundation and the de¬ve¬loping informative and communicative ability of students serve as certain means of supporting the virtual teaching activity. Meanwhile the technical means should not be focused on as the foundation is regarded just as a tool for rendering the teaching contents, reaching goals, accomplishment in communicative field and using the proper teaching methods [2, p. 20].
La ora actuală, didactica, în instituţiile de învăţământ superior, se bazează pe metode didactice, material mass-media de predare şi învăţare, care influenţează activitatea profesorului în clasă şi contribuie la dezvoltarea anumitor competenţe şi abilităţi de lucru cu informaţia şi de comunicare într-o realitate virtuală.
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