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Title: Developing communicative competence of future teachers of English: the speech act of apology [Articol]
Authors: Cebotaroş, Viorica
Keywords: competence
speech act
competenţă comunicativă
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Cebotaroş, Viorica. Developing communicative competence of future teachers of English: the speech act of apology / Viorica Cebotaroş // Integrarea specialistului cu studii superioare pe piaţa muncii: aspecte naţionale şi internaţionale : Materialele Conf. şt.-practice Intern., Bălţi, 21-22 oct. 2011. - Bălţi. - 2012. - P. 132-133.
Abstract: The central goal of teaching a foreign language is developing students’ communicative competence. An important aspect of the communicative competence is the ability to perform speech acts. Since speech acts are culture specific, performing them appropriately requires knowledge of the norms pe¬cu¬liar to a particular cultural context. The present article focuses on apologies. It points out some peculiarities of performing this speech act in British culture.
Scopul primordial al predării unei limbi străine este dezvoltarea competenţei comunicative. Un aspect important al competenţei comu¬ni¬ca¬tive este abilitatea de a efectua acte de limbaj. Deoarece actele de limbaj sînt specifice culturii, realizarea lor corectă necesită o cunoaştere a normelor spe¬ci¬fi¬ce culturii date. În articolul de faţă, sînt relevate unele particularităţi ale actului de limbaj „scuza” în cultura britanică.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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