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Title: Managementul adaptării profesionale a specialiştilor pe piaţa muncii: probleme, soluţii, perspective [Articol]
Authors: Movilă, Irina
Keywords: professional adaptation
professional skills
work condition
adaptare profesională
abilităţi profesionale
condiţii de muncă
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Movilă, Irina. Managementul adaptării profesionale a specialiştilor pe piaţa muncii: probleme, soluţii, perspective / Irina Movilă // Integrarea specialistului cu studii superioare pe piaţa muncii: aspecte naţionale şi internaţionale : Materialele Conf. şt.-practice Intern., Bălţi, 21-22 oct. 2011. - Bălţi. - 2012. - P. 32-34.
Abstract: Technical progress and scientific innovations impose complex requirements for professional adaptation, being observed tendency to minimize the period of adaptation. This article includes an analysis of professional adaptation made by State Univestity”Aleco Russo” from Bălţi on 30 companies from north of Moldova, also includes the results of this analysis. In this article is described the importance of adaptation being involved factors with positive influence and reduced factors with negative influence.
Technical progress and scientific innovations impose complex requirements for professional adaptation, being observed tendency to minimize the period of adaptation. This article includes an analysis of professional adaptation made by State Univestity”Aleco Russo” from Bălţi on 30 companies from north of Moldova, also includes the results of this analysis. In this article is described the importance of adaptation being involved factors with positive influence and reduced factors with negative influence.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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