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Title: Особенности языковой репрезентации актуального членения предложения в единицах микро- и макросинтаксиса [Articol]
Authors: Sirota, Elena
Mighirina, Nina
Keywords: current segmentation
sign of the rheme
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Sirota, Elena, Mighirina, Nina. Особенности языковой репрезентации актуального членения предложения в единицах микро- и макросинтаксиса / Elena Sirota, Nina Mighirina // NRF : Noua Revistă Filologică : Rev. de şt., cultură şi civilizaţie. – 2010. – Anul 1, nr. 1-2. – P. 105-109. – ISSN 1857-1379
Abstract: The article deals with the peculiarities of linguistic representation of current sentence segmentation into micro-and macro-syntactic; controversial issues of current sentence segmetation are analysed; the specific nature of updating the rheme within the limits of the sentence, phrase and discourse is emphasised; the rale of structuring as a determining factor of elliptical sentence frequency and as a sign of the rheme is higligted too.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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