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Title: Modalităţi de proiectare curriculară a conţinuturilor evaluării la armonie şi solfegiu-dictat în învăţământul universitar muzical - pedagogic [Articol]
Other Titles: Ways of organization of evaluation contents at harmony and sol-fa-dictate bazed on music education curriculum
Authors: Popov, Anton
Popovici, Vitalie
Keywords: învăţământ universitar muzical
educaţie muzicală
metode de instruire
music education
curriculum University education
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Popov, Anton P. Modalităţi de proiectare curriculară a conţinuturilor evaluării la armonie şi solfegiu-dictat în învăţământul universitar muzical - pedagogic = Ways of organization of evaluation contents at harmony and sol-fa-dictate bazed on music education curriculum / Anton Popov, Vitalie Popovici // Educaţia artistic-spirituală în contextul învăţămîntului contemporan : Materialele Conf. Int., 19-21 mai, 2005 Vol.2 : Probleme cucirculare ale educaţiei artistic-spirituale. – 2005. – P. 16-21. – ISBN 9975-931-83-9.
Abstract: The decisions, preconceived by the process unlished at Bologna concerning the creation of European space of Higher Education, impose structural changes to Republic of Moldova, having the mission to make compatible the national higher musical – pedagogic education with the european one. Bologna Process, as the result of Declaration from Bologna (June, 19th, 1999) represents the impulse, so needed to the reform regarding the Higher Education at the subject „Music Training”. The research of the professional training of the teacher of music education (I – VIII forms) consists in the fact that a graduate from Music and Musical Pedagogy Department has to achieve the same abilities and knowledge as the graduates from other universities. The establishment of the school evaluation principles of musical culture pf students detrmined by the specific musical – artistic knowledge. The level of musical culture (musical experience: qualitative-formative aspect and musical competence: quantitative-informative aspect) of the students may be appreciatedcomparing with the degree of covering the (tems’subject) with the students experience and musical competence. Qualitative evaluation criteria of students’ musical culture are the basic indices for detrmining and getting (obtaining) musical experience: students’ activity, the presence of emotional experience during the musical act positive attitudes about the music.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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