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dc.contributor.authorHarconiţa, Elena-
dc.identifier.citationHarconiţa, Elena. Instituţia emblematică a învăţămîntului superior din Nordul Moldovei = Emblematic institution of higher education in the North of Moldova / Elena Harconița // Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale „Relevanţa şi calitatea formării universitare: competenţe pentru prezent şi viitor” : consacrată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea universităţii bălţene din 8 octombrie 2015 : [în 3 vol.]. – Bălţi : [S. n.], 2016. – Vol. 3. – P. 5-12. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractUSARB Scientific Library was founded in 1945, together with the Teaching Institute and was located in the former Lyceum for girls „Domniţa Ileana", on area of 36.6 m2. The collection numbered 101 books and magazines. Today the Scientific Library USARB is the only info-documentation institution in the Northen part, possessing an encyclopedic collection of over 1 million, documents printed in approximately 300 000 titles in 57 languages, the value of which exceeds 11 million lei. Communication and dissemination of information resources occurs through 4 loans, 12 reading rooms, UN Documentation Centre, the Information Centre of the European Union; Regional Depository Library of the World Bank; NATO Point of Information and Documentation, AGEPI collection, Romanian Cultural Institute collection. Library programs are carried out annually: the New User; The Days of Information; Chair's Days; Library Days, etc. The library activity is ensured by 52 librarians, 31% of them being in the higher education field, 92% owners of ranks.en
dc.subjecteducational spaceen
dc.subjectinfo-documentation institutionen
dc.subjectlibrary resourcesen
dc.subjectBiblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălţiro
dc.subjectspaţiu educaţionalro
dc.subjectresurse de bibliotecăro
dc.titleInstituţia emblematică a învăţămîntului superior din Nordul Moldovei [Articol]ro
dc.title.alternativeEmblematic institution of higher education in the North of Moldovaen
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