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Title: Использование особенностей стеклообразного состояния вещества для повышения физических и химических свойств промышленных стеклоизделий [Articol]
Authors: Шарагов, Василий
Keywords: стеклянная тара
физические свойства стеклоизделий
propietăţile fizice ale sticlei
proprietăţile chimice ale sticlei
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Шарагов, Василий. Использование особенностей стеклообразного состояния вещества для повышения физических и химических свойств промышленных стеклоизделий / Василий Шарагов // Revista Tehnocopia : Rev. şt.-metodică. – 2015. – Nr 2(13). – P. 36-44. – ISSN 1857-4904.
Abstract: The article explains the notions of „glass” „glassy state” and „glass transition”. The author compares the graphics of cooling of crystalline and glassy substances melts. The features of the glassy state of substance are described. The article focuses on the examples when the features of glassy state substance have been used to improve the physical and chemical properties of industrial glassware by their thermochemical dealkalization with acid gases and treatment with electromagnetic fields.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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