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Title: Внеклассная работа по приобщению младших школьников к молдавским народным ремеслам [Articol]
Authors: Котылевская, Татьяна
Keywords: внеклассная работа
народные ремесла
резьба по дереву
молдавские народные ремесла
meşteşuguri populare moldoveneşti
activităţi extracurriculare
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Котылевская, Татьяна. Внеклассная работа по приобщению младших школьников к молдавским народным ремеслам / Татьяна Котылевская // Revista Tehnocopia. – 2013. – Nr 1(8). – P. 47-58. – ISSN 1857-4904.
Abstract: In this article it is presented organization questions of out-of-class labour activity for younger students. It is allocated more perspective work form called as club. This club is the voluntary association which includes child's interest. The auther proves that in conditions of club activity it will be easy to attach students to studying of the Moldavian national crafts. In this work it is presented ethnocultural technology in studying of the Moldavian national crafts in the conditions of children's club: the main activities of children are allocated in this article; it is developed the system of knowledge activity about moldavian crofts; it is presented plans of annual club work;it is writen in details technology of lesson holding. This research demonstrates the perspective of ethnocultural technology, realized in club conditions, which influences positive on technological education of younger students.
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