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Title: Влияние протоинтонационнoго слуха на формирование вокальной культуры школьников [Articol]
Other Titles: The influence of protointonational sense on the formation of the vocal culture of pupils
Authors: Sagaidac, Elena
Keywords: protointonational sense
vocal culture
musical culture
musical sense
musical intonation
sens protointonaţional
cultura vocală
cultură muzicală
simţ muzical
intonaţie muzicală
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Sagaidac, Elena. Влияние протоинтонационнoго слуха на формирование вокальной культуры школьников / Elena Sagaidac // Artă şi educaţie artistică : rev. de cultură, şt. şi practică educaţională. – 2007. – Nr 3(6). – P. 110-114.
Abstract: The forming of the vocal culture is always caused by the quality and the level of musical sense and of the musical intonation. The author of the article considers that the expressive interpretation envisages sucha trend in developing children’s musical culture, which is connected with the formation of their musical perception; with their ability to preview, to pre-hear the intonation of the sound; with the development of the protointonational selectivity. The vocal development also assumes the upbringing of the ability to percept and feel the emotional content, the ability to pre-hear what is played and meant, the realization of imagine and expression of the musical work. The author also reveals the method of prosynthesis (MPS), which is based on the unification of several types of art. All this aims at finding goals of musical content according to hearing, visual, verbal, moving imagine and elaborates emotional state that will lead to activation of all inner hearing processes for developing stress able intonation that was adequately heard.
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