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Title: Tabloului lingvistic al unei comunităţi: între cunoaştere şi creaţie
Authors: Lacusta, Elena
Keywords: language
linguistic picture of the world
semantic fields
phraseological unit
associations of words
reaction stimulus
imagine lingvistică a lumii
câmp semantic
unitate frazeologică
asociaţii de cuvinte
stimul de reacţie
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Lacusta, Elena. Tabloului lingvistic al unei comunităţi: între cunoaştere şi creaţie / Elena Lacusta // Artă şi educaţie artistică : rev. de cultură, şt. şi practică educaţională. – 2014. – Nr 1(23). – P. 17-22.
Abstract: Language is created by man depending on his specific way of seeing the world. However, the language gives to the man a certain picture of the world, thus orienting his cognition process. The present article proposes two ways of setting up this picture, based on two complementary relations: man - language - reality (world) and man - reality (world) - language. Those relations are recognized in the words and the configuration of semantic fields, in the possibility of combining the units in the act of speech, in the expressive marked words, phraseological units as well as in the associative relations between words that speakers do.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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