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Title: Teaching the English Modal Verbs in school [Articol]
Authors: Surujiu, Ina
Şcărăbnaia, Ana
Keywords: modal verbs
cooperative strategies
verbe modale
strategii de cooperare
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Surujiu, Ina. Teaching the English Modal Verbs in school / Ina Surujiu, Ana Şcărăbnaia // Glotodidactica : Rev. semestrială. – 2012. – Vol. 2(III). – P. 61-73.
Abstract: In order to identify the problems, which both pupils and teachers face in learning and teaching the English Modal Verbs in Moldovan schools , and if the English Modal Verbs are taught with the help of Cooperative Learning Strategies, we have made a quiz and distribu-ted it to the teachers of English from different schools. The results of our investigation are presented in the article. We also suggest interactive, cooperative activities for teaching and practising the English Modal Verbs.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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