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Title: Dimensiunea hermeneutică a educaţiei muzicale [Articol]
Authors: Tetelea, Margarita
Keywords: musical hermeneutics
comparative study
music education
music image
music speech
hermeneutica muzicală
studii comparative
educaţie muzicală
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Tetelea, Margarita. Dimensiunea hermeneutică a educaţiei muzicale / Margarita Tetelea // Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică, Ediţia a 5-a : Materialele Colloquia Professorum din 10 octombrie 2014. - Bălţi. - 2015. - P. 163-166.
Abstract: Hermeneutic interpretation of a musical image requires not only the pupil's intellectual background, but also the emotional and psychological affective, thereby building a beautiful soul. These problems were revealed in the creation of great teachers, musicians Hermann Kretzschmar (Germany) and Kabalevskii Dmitry (Russia).Comparative approach to music education concepts of these great personalities give us opportunity to see that both systems created, both in Germany in the early twentieth century and in Russia in the late twentieth century have the idea of a hermeneutic dimension of the process of establishing the music-pupil relationship. A hermeneutical analysis of the music claims a mixed landing: historical – the students will be able to determine the historical period, the aesthetical current of the musical work, important biographical data of the composer, circumstances that influenced the appearance of the musical work if necessary; musicological – the musical style, musical form, the content of the musical form, the elements of the musical language are studied; aesthetical aspects – that is able to form a personal attitude regarding the musical work.
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