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Title: Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor lingvistice prin elemente de dialectologie [Articol]
Authors: Popa, Viorica
Keywords: regionalisms
pre-university studies
European standards
interactive didactic strategies
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Popa, Viorica. Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor lingvistice prin elemente de dialectologie / Viorica Popa // Glotodidactica : Rev. semestrială. - 2012. - Vol. 1(IV). - P. 66-78.
Abstract: The present article aims at highlighting the fact that teaching/learning regionalisms, as a unit of content, in Romanian language and literature, in the context of modernizing pre-university education according to European standards and to the focus on competences/ subcompetences emphasizes their artistic value, their educational valences in view of national conscience developement. It is asserted that school textbooks worked out in correspondence with the new didactic concept should develop competences typical of the subject through interactive didactic strategies.
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