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Title: Prelucrarea ştiinţifică a publicaţiilor periodice [Articol]
Other Titles: Periodic processing of scientific publications
Authors: Cruglov, Lina
Keywords: scientific publications
periodical indexing
processing of publications
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB
Citation: Cruglov, Lina. Prelucrarea ştiinţifică a publicaţiilor periodice = Periodic processing of scientific publications / Lina Cruglov // Cercetări biblioteconomice în anul 2011: constatări calimetrice : Materialele conf. şt., 8 febr. 2012. - Bălţi. - 2012.- P. 351-356.
Abstract: In a scientific institution the scientific process of periodical indexing is just as important as the monographic cataloging, indexing of documents. Reception, stocks registration, checking the doublets in the service catalogue, documentary distribution, the literature analysis are the main stages of the scientific process of periodical indexing. Automated bibliographic records is performed with the help of the programme TINLIB, the Module CataloguingRetrieval/Editing Serials Titles according to standards in force. Every quarter information is updated on the website of the library – COLLECTIONS/JOURNALS/PERIODICALS/newspapers-http:// libruniv. usb. md
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