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Title: Valori axate pe consumatorii universităţii bălţene [Articol]
Authors: Mihaluţa, Lina
Keywords: library services
electronic catalogue
access to information
informational systems
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB
Citation: Mihaluţa, Lina. Valori axate pe consumatorii universităţii bălţene / Lina Mihaluţa // Confluenţe şi integrare calitativă a cărţii, activităţii bibliotecare şi a infrastructurii informaţionale în procesul didactico-ştiinţific universitar : Materialele conf. şt. consacrate aniversării a 60-a a Bibl. Univ., 4 noiem., 2005. - Bălţi. - 2005. - P. 81-86.
Abstract: Libraries assure the access to information and constitute an integral part of the professional and scientific process, of university informational culture via their structure and specific services. The constitution of the electronic catalogue, the organisation of information in a scientific way, the elaboration of authority files, the determination of subjects adequate for providing the search and finding of the required information. The electronic catalogue reflects 50% of all held titles, it is possible to print a request application and the thematic list directly from OPAC. The course “Basis of Informational Culture” offers the students a theoretical and practical support with a view to orientation in informational systems at a national and international level.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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