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Title: Arta cărţii [Articol]
Authors: Roşca, Larisa
Melnic, Lilia
Keywords: library
books history
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică
Citation: Roşca, Larisa. Arta cărţii / Larisa Roşca, Lilia Melnic // Confluenţe şi integrare calitativă a cărţii, activităţii bibliotecare şi a infrastructurii informaţionale în procesul didactico-ştiinţific universitar : Materialele conf. şt. consacrate aniversării a 60-a a Bibl. Univ., 4 noiem., 2005. - Bălţi. - 2005. - P. 32-39.
Abstract: The book joins the thought and the word, the science and the art, the spiritual life of an individual and the whole society. Problems of ideology, aesthetics and information are treated in the book. Books have their history. All the civilazations that studied the writing gave characteristic forms to their “books”. The study that you are reading now reveals the history of some books placed in the special collection of the library. You have the possibility to find out about the art of ornamenting them in different centuries in order to make them more attractive and to give them a longer life.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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